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Unlock your true potential and step into your best-fit career with clarity, confidence and fulfillment.

I guide conscious career seekers go from feeling stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in a role they don’t love, to confidently carving a new, exciting (and financially rewarding) career map that is an expression of their best life.

CareerByDesign Immersive

For conscious career seekers who are ready to gain clarity about their career path, a deeper understanding of themselves and expand their mindset so they can start making brave moves towards their best-fit career. 


During the 3-month immersive you will go from feeling stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in a role you don’t really love, to confidently carving a new, exciting (and financially rewarding) career blueprint that is an expression of your best life.

Career By Design, Human Design, Coaching

CareerByDesign Intensive

A 90-minute session where we begin to pave the way for your unique path! 

You'll walk away with more clarity on how to use your Human Design in your career, a better understanding of your innate gifts, and a brave next-step to help you step towards your best-fit career.

You’ll gain new perspectives on how to grow in your current role so it feels fulfilling and exciting OR some new ideas on what roles you should go for next!

Career By Design, Human Design, Coaching

CareerByDesign in Teams

For innovative leaders who are looking to create a purpose-driven, highly engaged and performing team. 


Human Design is your roadmap  of their individual innate talents & decision making style, team dynamics and  strengths, and how to lead them towards their full potential and achieve your team goals.

I offer team workshops or 1:1 coaching

Career By Design, Human Design, Coaching

We're all craving a career that blends effortlessly with our lives and makes us excited to go to work on a Monday morning. many of us are walking around with a feeling that something is missing

Human Design is a powerful self-discovery tool, that gives you a map and language for how you work best. 

Caroline Malheiro, Human Design Chart

Who am I

I'm Caroline,

Caroline Malheiro, Human Design, Coaching

I am a Career Alignment Coach & Consultant with a unique blend of expertise in Human Design, HR, and Coaching. I specialize in guiding conscious career seekers towards realizing their full potential.


Initially feeling trapped in a career dictated by external pressures, I discovered the transformative power of Human Design, aligning my career path with my inner calling and innate talents. I’m grounded, intuitive and solution-oriented, but with a creative power to find all the possibilities and spot potentials in others. I am deeply driven by helping others live their life in alignment, and I do this through my innovative framework Career By Design.

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